日本タタ・コンサルタンシー・サービシズ株式会社のOnsite Embedded Engineer求人

- 職種
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- 年収
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- エリア
- 東京
※「正式に応募する」と「外資IT特化の転職エージェントに相談」は、職務経歴書 、履歴書 が必要です。個人設定よりご登録をお願いします。
We are looking for a skilled professional to join our Electric/Electronics Architecture Engineering Group, focusing particularly on developing and validating diagnostic modules and hardware for automotive systems. This position involves working on an advanced project that requires designing C++ based diagnostic modules in a Windows/Linux environment. Daily responsibilities include developing cross-platform diagnostic tools, validating and testing hardware using embedded evaluation boards like Raspberry Pi and TI boards, and contributing to innovative hardware-software integration solutions.
Key tasks involve interpreting diagnostic specifications, creating detailed requirement documents, assessing the impact of new function requirements on development tools, and managing tool modifications according to specification updates. Additionally, you will be responsible for porting existing C++ applications to Embedded Linux and Adaptive Platforms, as well as collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration with project goals.
To thrive in this role, you should have strong experience in embedded software design and development, and be proficient in programming languages such as C++ and C#, along with Linux commands. A solid understanding of vehicle communication protocols like CAN, CAN-FD, LIN, and others is essential. Familiarity with validation tools such as CANoe and CANalyzer, as well as project management tools like JIRA, is also required. Agile methodology experience will further enhance your contribution to the team's success.
勤務地 | - |
給与 | 1. 年収:最大800万円(候補者の経験と能力を考慮して決定) - 裁量労働手当:60,000円〜80,000円 - 残業手当:通常(残業時間に応じて支給) - 昇給あり |
勤務時間 | 1. 9:00 - 18:00(実働8時間 / フレックスタイム制 / コアタイム10:00 - 16:00) |
休暇制度 | Annual paid leave (10 days provided in the first year * Variable depending on joining date), two days off every week (Sat, Sun), public holidays, yearend and New Year holidays, congratulation or condolence leave, and nursing leave. |
待遇・福利厚生 | 待遇・福利厚生: - 雇用形態: 正社員 - 労働時間制度: 専門業務型裁量労働制 - 所定労働時間: 1日8時間 - 給与: 年収8百万円まで(候補者の経験と能力を考慮) - 裁量労働手当: 60,000 JPY - 80,000 JPY - 残業手当: 通常の支給対象(残業時間に応じて支給) - 昇給: あり - 賞与: あり - 勤務時間: 9:00 - 18:00(実働時間8時間/フレックスタイム制度/コアタイム: 10:00 - 16:00) - 休日・休暇: 年次有給休暇(初年度10日)、週休二日制(土日)、祝日、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、介護休暇 - 福利厚生プログラム: - 保険: 医療保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険 - 制度: 財形貯蓄、企業年金、カフェテリアプラン(選択型企業会員福利サービス) * 財形貯蓄と企業年金は正社員のみ対象 - 施設: 会員制施設(アスレチッククラブ、温泉保養所、ホテル宿泊施設など) |
リモートワーク | - |
その他 | - **応募要件**: - Strong experience in embedded software design and development. - Proficiency in programming languages, particularly C++, C#, and Linux commands. - Proficiency in vehicle communication protocols such as CAN, CAN-FD, LIN, UDS, Ethernet, DoIP, SOME/IP, TCP, UDP, REST, HTTPS, and MQTT. - Familiarity with validation techniques and tools, including CANoe, CANalyzer, Wireshark, and project management tools like JIRA. - Experience in project management techniques, particularly Agile methodologies. - Languages: ・Japanese: Intermediate Level ・English: Business Level - **望ましい経験**: - Core competency across all phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). - Familiarity with Functional Safety Standards, FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air), and remote diagnostic solutions. - Knowledge of AUTOSAR Adaptive frameworks and ECU development, including experience with ARA::COM libraries and diagnostic modules on the AUTOSAR platform. |
- 総合評価
- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
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