日本タタ・コンサルタンシー・サービシズ株式会社のAI Consultant求人
- 職種
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- 年収
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- エリア
- 東京
※「正式に応募する」と「外資IT特化の転職エージェントに相談」は、職務経歴書 、履歴書 が必要です。個人設定よりご登録をお願いします。
【About the team】
AI CoE is a startup group formed to address the Japan market AI needs with professionals consolidated in TCS Japan having deep AI expertise and continuous investment to expand the team (up to 25-member team) thru lateral and in-house training. TCS CEO has launched AI COE as a strategic unit with an initial team of 11 consultants. This team is poised for a big expansion to enable driving the need of AI adoption for TCS Japan customers and TCS Internal.
AI COE has 2 sub-units; AI Lab to solve unique customer problem using AI (PoT/PoC) and customize TCS AI solutions to incorporate Japanese language needs. AI Go To Market (GTM) unit to expand delivering AI use cases in platforms supporting AI.Cloud organization. We are team of researchers, data scientist, architects and consultants will perform the role of AI experts at TCS Japan to enable customers to achieve AI first business, provide strategic solutions for AI Dev & Sec Ops, provide end to end AI services and enable customers to build his AI office/organization. We aim to create a world class AI studio that will showcase AI solutions and co-creation space to work with customers for solving their problems. We are a diverse local team and work with TCS global members in hybrid approach.
・Play an important role in capturing/understanding existing business process and implement successful AI Solutions that make an impact on the process
・Responsible for bridging the gap between IT and the business, developing the business case, capturing requirements, and delivering data informed recommendations to project managers, executives, and stakeholders
・Articulate business needs of AI solutions, while working with the solutions team to balance what’s technologically feasible and financially and functionally reasonable
・Play a crucial connector between the business and technical domains, ensuring that AI solutions not only are technically sound but also deliver tangible business value
・Has a holistic understanding of the business landscape, combined with a grasp of AI capabilities, allowing them to guide AI projects towards success
・To work in team collaboration with cross-functional teams, including technical architects, data engineers, and domain experts, to understand business requirements and develop effective AI solutions
・To be diligent in learning / scaling up in the areas of Data Science-AI with self-initiative Towards career excellence
- Bachelor's degree (preferably in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Business, or related fields)
- 6+ years of practical experience in AI or data science fields
- Ability to communicate at a business level in both English and Japanese, and to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders
- Experience with AI related consulting/management assignment
■Nice to have
- Deep understanding and practical experience in AI-related technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision
- Experience in consulting or project management for AI projects
- Experience in creating roadmaps for AI adoption, ROI analysis, and risk assessment
- Experience in data analysis using programming languages such as Python, R, and SQL
Native level Japanese, ideally Business level English in reading, writing and speaking
年次有給休暇(初年度10日 ※入社日によって異なる場合有)、完全週休2日制(土曜日・日曜日)、祝日、年末年始、慶弔休暇、育児・介護休業
- 総合評価
- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
データアナリティクスコンサルタント(Digital Unit)
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- 総合評価
- 3.38
- クチコミ件数
- 79 件
Technology Strategy & Transformation(IT/Digital戦略領域)
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- 総合評価
- 3.53
- クチコミ件数
- 146 件
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- 総合評価
- 3.64
- クチコミ件数
- 39 件
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- 総合評価
- 3.28
- クチコミ件数
- 39 件
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- 総合評価
- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
ネットワークエンジニア(IT企画室 テクニカルチーム)
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- 総合評価
- 4.50
- クチコミ件数
- 6 件
- 総合評価
- 4.06
- クチコミ件数
- 16 件
- 総合評価
- 3.88
- クチコミ件数
- 5 件
- 総合評価
- 3.79
- クチコミ件数
- 16 件
- 総合評価
- 3.75
- クチコミ件数
- 19 件
- 総合評価
- 3.74
- クチコミ件数
- 49 件
- 総合評価
- 3.71
- クチコミ件数
- 11 件
- 総合評価
- 3.71
- クチコミ件数
- 24 件
- 総合評価
- 3.67
- クチコミ件数
- 12 件
- 総合評価
- 3.64
- クチコミ件数
- 39 件