日本タタ・コンサルタンシー・サービシズ株式会社のSystem Engineer / Onsite Technical Project Leader求人

- 職種
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- 年収
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- エリア
- 東京
※「正式に応募する」と「外資IT特化の転職エージェントに相談」は、職務経歴書 、履歴書 が必要です。個人設定よりご登録をお願いします。
We are seeking an experienced individual to oversee a critical power electronics project focused on the inverter design for electric vehicles. The primary responsibilities include studying and improving existing inverter designs, conducting necessary simulations to verify changes, and leading technical discussions to ensure the successful execution of the project. This role requires facilitating communication between customers and our offshore team, analyzing customer and system-level requirements for the electric vehicle traction inverter, and defining detailed hardware, mechanical, and software requirements for the design and development team based offshore.
In addition to design tasks, the role involves conducting PCBA schematic design, power simulations, CAE/CFD analyses, and fault injection testing. The candidate must develop design specifications for communication protocols such as CAN, CAN FD, UART, LIN, and SPI, and set up validation environments using tools like Vector CANoe/Canalyzer, PLIN, and dSPACE. Managing tasks for an offshore team of approximately 10 members is also an essential part of the job.
This position provides an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience in inverter design and simulation, crucial for Electric Vehicle e-Powertrain development. A background in Automotive Electrification-Power Electronics, knowledge of inverters, motors, batteries, charging protocols, and CAN communication, along with bilingual proficiency in English and Japanese, are necessary. Experience with Embedded C, C++ firmware development, AUTOSAR, and validation tools is advantageous. The role is a stepping stone toward becoming an Electric Vehicle e-Powertrain Program Manager.
勤務地 | Location not specified. |
給与 | - |
勤務時間 | 1. フレックスタイム制(コアタイム10:00〜16:00) |
休暇制度 | - Annual paid leave (10 days provided in the first year * Variable depending on joining date) - Two days off every week (Sat, Sun) - Public holidays - Yearend and new year holidays - Congratulation or condolence leave - Nursing leave |
待遇・福利厚生 | - Employment status: Regular Employee - Working hours classification: Deemed working hours system, Discretionary labor system for professional work - Deemed working hours per day: 8hrs - Salary: Annual salary decided based on experience and abilities, Discretionary labor allowance (60,000 JPY - 80,000 JPY), Overtime work allowance, Salary raise - Working hours: 9:00 - 18:00 (Actual working hrs: 8hrs), Flex time system, Core time (10:00 - 16:00) - Holiday/Leave: Annual paid leave, Two days off every week (Sat, Sun), Public holidays, Yearend and new year holidays, Congratulation or condolence leave, and nursing leave - Welfare program: Medical insurance, Welfare pension, Employment insurance, Industrial injury insurance - System: Asset-building savings, Company pension, Cafeteria plan (selection-based corporate member welfare service) - Facility: Corporate membership facility (Athletic club, Onsen resort house, hotel accommodations, etc.) |
リモートワーク | - |
その他 | - **応募要件**: - Knowledge of Automotive Electrification-Power Electronics, including inverters, motors, batteries, charging protocols, and CAN communication. - Bilingual proficiency in English and Japanese (N2 level or higher). - **望ましい経験**: 1. Experience in Embedded C, C++ firmware development. 2. Experience with AUTOSAR, software integration, and validation. 3. Hands-on experience with validation tools like Vector CANoe, VT System, and dSPACE. 4. Knowledge of charging protocol standards such as CCS1, CCS2, CHAdeMO, GB/T, Type 1, Type 2. |
- 総合評価
- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
- 総合評価
- 3.27
- クチコミ件数
- 82 件
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