日本タタ・コンサルタンシー・サービシズ株式会社のIoT Platform Project Manager 【IoTDE - No.277】求人

- 職種
- ITコンサルタント/戦略・経営コンサルタント/SE・エンジニア
- 年収
- 年収非公開
- エリア
- 東京
※「正式に応募する」と「外資IT特化の転職エージェントに相談」は、職務経歴書 、履歴書 が必要です。個人設定よりご登録をお願いします。
勤務地 | - |
給与 | - |
勤務時間 | 1. 9:00 - 18:00(実働8時間 / フレックスタイム制 / コアタイム: 10:00 - 16:00) |
休暇制度 | # Holiday/Leave Annual paid leave, Two days off every week (Sat, Sun), Public holidays, Year end and new year holidays, Congratulation or condolence leave, and nursing leave. |
待遇・福利厚生 | - Employment status: Regular Employee - Manager/Supervisor classification: Nil (Classifiable depending on the case) - Deemed working hours per day: 8hrs - Salary: Monthly salary decided based on corporate regulations, experience, and abilities; Discretionary labor allowance: 60,000 JPY - 80,000 JPY; Overtime work allowance: Paid according to overtime working hours - Salary raise: Yes - Premium: Yes - Working hours: 9:00 - 18:00 (Actual working hours: 8hrs / Flex time system / Core time: 10:00 - 16:00) - Holiday/Leave: Annual paid leave, Two days off every week (Sat, Sun), Public holidays, Year end and new year holidays, Congratulation or condolence leave, and nursing leave - Welfare program: Medical insurance, Welfare pension, Employment insurance, and Industrial injury insurance - System: Asset-building savings, Company pension, Cafeteria plan (selection-based corporate member welfare service); *Only regular employees are eligible for Asset-building savings and Company pension - Facility: Corporate membership facility (Athletic club, Onsen resort house, hotel accommodations, etc.) |
リモートワーク | - |
その他 | - **応募要件**: - Experience in building IoT platform for manufacturing industry using Azure - Having leadership and collaboration with development teams, ensuring adherence to best practices and Azure architecture principles. - Create and maintain technical documentation for projects and applications by collcaborating with development team. - Keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies to continuously improve our development processes. - Profound understanding of Project Management fundamentals, encompassing project lifecycles for both development and maintenance projects. Familiarity with estimation methodologies and quality processes. - Sound grasp of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and agile methodologies - Experience in project execution with Agile principles & Waterfall methodology including Project Kick-off, Project Scheduling, Requirement gathering, High level / Low level Design, Development of solution, Test Case preparation, Functional & Performance Testing, System Integration testing, UAT, Server Setup, Go-Live & Hyper Care - Manage timelines, quality metrices, defect removal efficiency, delivered defect rate, productivity, cost of quality, schedule variance, effort variance and Risk management, stakeholder management, project health governance, deliverables tracking, multi-level reviews to ensure successful delivery & good customer satisfaction index. - Languages: - Japanese: Business level - English: Business level - **望ましい経験**: - PMP certification - Experience in manufacturing - Automotive, Industrial Machinery, Aero, Pharma, Oil & Gas, etc. - Experience (Good to have , These skill will help communication with Technical team) |
- 総合評価
- 3.37
- クチコミ件数
- 49 件
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- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
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- 総合評価
- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
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- 総合評価
- 3.38
- クチコミ件数
- 79 件
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- 総合評価
- 4.50
- クチコミ件数
- 6 件
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- 総合評価
- 3.88
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- 5 件
- 総合評価
- 3.79
- クチコミ件数
- 16 件
- 総合評価
- 3.75
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- 19 件
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- 3.74
- クチコミ件数
- 49 件
- 総合評価
- 3.71
- クチコミ件数
- 11 件
- 総合評価
- 3.71
- クチコミ件数
- 24 件
- 総合評価
- 3.67
- クチコミ件数
- 12 件
- 総合評価
- 3.64
- クチコミ件数
- 39 件