日本タタ・コンサルタンシー・サービシズ株式会社のField Network Engineer L3 (Sustainable Energy )【Job No.612】求人

- 職種
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- 年収
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- エリア
- 東京
※「正式に応募する」と「外資IT特化の転職エージェントに相談」は、職務経歴書 、履歴書 が必要です。個人設定よりご登録をお願いします。
This is a Global Workplace Support Services in support of providing internal client customers globally with the IT Site Support they need to perform their jobs effectively. Their day to day work involves, checking issues faced by customer on desktop, check on confernce room issues, Wifi issues etc.
This is a Global Workplace Support Services in support of providing internal customers globally with the IT Site Support they need to perform their jobs effectively.
Workplace Support Services aims to provide exceptional support experience by adopting a best-in-class Service Delivery Model whilst leveraging Technology Driven Solutions, to drive defined Strategic Outcomes for customers
This is a Global Workplace Support Services in support of providing internal customers globally with the IT Site Support they need to perform their jobs effectively.
• 100% Work from Office (Client location) • Asset inventory management (New Device Asset/Import/Physical Stocking)
• PC Fulfillment (New, Break fix and Lifecycle), PC LCM Scheduling and PC Recertification (Autopilot/Reimage/Import) including shipping and receiving Assets.
• Windows/MAC/iPhone/iPad Fulfillment (Break fix/swap/unassigns) and Device Recertification (Wipe/QA/Reload/Import)
• Accessory Request Fulfillment and Unknown Device Research/Investigation
• PC Diagnostics & Sanitation, recycle pickup requests (from end users)
including Asset Offboarding (Device/Accessory Recycle)
• Software Provision/Install Requests, New Printer Configuration Requests, Miscellaneous Service (Return Labels)
• Walkup, Deskside and Remote technical Support (Incident & Request Management/Ticket Escalations)
• New Hire onboarding training and orientation
• AV Meeting Room support
• Strong in Communication skills and interpersonal skills with experience in IT Hardware & Software Asset Management services
Experience in managing PC and Mobile Assets in ServiceNow module and aware of different stages in asset management lifecycle
• Work with vendors to conduct physical asset audit and maintain asset stock rooms
• End to end asset life management (Forecasting, Receiving, Shipping, Maintenance & Recycling)
• Track complete life-cycle management for each asset in order to maintain warranty information, refresh date and end of life information
• Knowledge on ServiceNow, Windows Auto Pilot, Microsoft Office, Windows OS and iOS troubleshooting skills
• Smart hands support for Server and Network devices
• Train the Trainer
ITIL Trained/Certified,
Dell Certified technician,
Apple Certified technician
Yes,English and Japanese both skills are required because English is mandatory to communicate with other stakeholders at client sight from different countries and Japanese is required to communicate with local persons/stakeholders.
正社員 (契約社員の可能性も有り)
残業手当:有または無 ※グレードにより異なる
年次有給休暇(初年度10日 ※入社日によって異なる場合有)、完全週休2日制(土曜日・日曜日)、祝日、年末年始、慶弔休暇、育児・介護休業
- 総合評価
- 3.53
- クチコミ件数
- 146 件
テクノロジーコンサルタント(金融領域) - テクノロジー コンサルティング本部 (AS-FS)
- 総合評価
- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
【AI Products事業部】AIプロダクトマネジャー
【About Alt / オルツについて】Our company is dedicated to research and development with the aim of creating a world where everyone can have their own P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence), freeing people from labor (Lavoro) and allowing them t...
- 総合評価
- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
NEWHQBS_R0009 デジタル・コミュニケーション担当(主にソーシャルメディア)
- 総合評価
- 3.64
- クチコミ件数
- 39 件
職務内容 Roles and Responsibilities 自動車業界を中心とするクライアントへのコンサルティングサービスの提案とサービス提供に特化したコンサルタントとして活躍して頂きます。 【担当業務】 業界知識、業務知識、プロジェクト経験、およびクライアントとのリレ...
- 総合評価
- 3.27
- クチコミ件数
- 82 件
◆[GIE](エナジー) Government, Infrastructure and Energy Consultant
職務内容 《チーム紹介》 電力・ガス事業者は、自由化による競争激化、法改正、グリーン成長戦略や脱炭素社会への適応など、環境変化のうねりに直面しています。エネルギー効率性の向上と国内市場の縮小だけでなく、新型コロナウィルスによる短期的な需要押し下げ要...
- 総合評価
- 0.00
- クチコミ件数
- 0 件
【About Alt / オルツについて】Our company is dedicated to research and development with the aim of creating a world where everyone can have their own P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence), freeing people from labor (Lavoro) and allowing them t...
- 総合評価
- 4.50
- クチコミ件数
- 6 件
- 総合評価
- 4.06
- クチコミ件数
- 16 件
- 総合評価
- 3.88
- クチコミ件数
- 5 件
- 総合評価
- 3.79
- クチコミ件数
- 16 件
- 総合評価
- 3.75
- クチコミ件数
- 19 件
- 総合評価
- 3.74
- クチコミ件数
- 49 件
- 総合評価
- 3.71
- クチコミ件数
- 11 件
- 総合評価
- 3.71
- クチコミ件数
- 24 件
- 総合評価
- 3.67
- クチコミ件数
- 12 件
- 総合評価
- 3.64
- クチコミ件数
- 39 件